Your ice hockey fun begins here!

old hockey player
2016 Doan’s Winter Classic Invitational

2016 Doan’s Winter Classic Invitational

Doan’s Winter Classic Wrap Up

Sixteen skaters and three goalies gathered Saturday morning for a day of ice hockey outside at Jim Doan’s.

Jim and Stephanie were gracious enough to let this motley crew of players hang out in their barn for the day and tear up the ice. The first project was to sort out and rank the players. Due to a player backing out at the last minute a sub was brought in to fill in. The sub, Trevor, was placed in the mix where the previous player was positioned in ranking – what a major mistake that was! Well, according to me anyway!

Four teams were formed, with four players on each team for the three on three tournament. Each team plays each other once, then a finals game to determine the tournament champs. Teams were drawn at random.

Here is the lineup of teams, in order of their tournament finish:

Team Porter

Reed Clark
Trevor Carbary
Jeff Rouse
Nick Campbell

Stout Bros

Tom Hall
Logan Rothley
Billy Campbell
K.C. Baron

Doan’s High LIfe

Kevin O’Brien
Jim Doan
Conner Bigelow
Scott Poliskey


Nick Gilbert
Dwayne Gidcumb
Chris Clark
Dave Crabill


Tom Murray
Mike Stevenson

Each player received a Doan’s Winter Classic t-shirt and beer for their $25 registration fee. Everyone brought a dish to pass. There was more than enough for everyone. The games progressed on time and the ice held up well, with just a couple of problem areas to avoid.

Team Porter dominated the day, with Stout Bros making a valiant effort to beat them. The combination  of young legs with Reed & Trevor proved too much to overcome; but if you ask Rouse it would be all him of course:)

What a fun day! I look forward to scheduling two of these events next year. By invitation only. This was a group of friends skating together, who got along. No complaining, griping or whining. Nice!

Big thanks to the goalies for playing so much during the course of the day. Major effort on their part. Next year, we will have a goalie competition throughout the day for least goals against. Nick would have won that award this year I would suspect; he is half the age of our other two goalies.

Look below for pics of all the action. Also, t-shirts and posters can be ordered.

Jim Doan skating with puck
Doan's Winter Classic Invitational poster
Happy New Year! Time to Get Moving!

Happy New Year! Time to Get Moving!

Activities Scheduled for 1st & 2nd

We have a drop in skate on Friday night from 7:30 – 9pm due to popular demand.

Since this is a holiday event, I plan to make it special with a post game party!

Thinking of Pizza in Skaters Bar after the skate. They have a pizza oven now and we can have some ready for us after the skate. Just need to decide on toppings. Large pizzas are $15 each.

So, spread the word on the Friday skate. I’ll start working on goalies.

Watch Pro Hockey On Saturday!

Flint FirebirdsOn Saturday I have a block of tickets to the Flint Firebirds game being held in the Silver section. I plan to meet at the White Horse for pizza and beer before the game. Tickets are discounted with groups over 10 people. I’ve gathered 20 the last couple of times we have gone. Fast paced hockey, a fun night out.

Buy Tickets


Player essentials are on sale!


Red Wings Toaster

Red Wings Toaster

In case you were wondering, this is what I want for Christmas!

World peace would be nice also.

But, this is a toaster that burns the Red Wings emblem into your toast!
Check it out!

11 27 15 Friday Night Hockey

11 27 15 Friday Night Hockey

Wow! Fridays are packed full of fast hockey the last few weeks. Great skates with great players.

Here are some pics of the action on the ice. Click the image below.
