Your ice hockey fun begins here!

old hockey player
Lockout Extended- no games 12/20

Lockout Extended- no games 12/20

You can rent the ice for personal exercise, so Wed & Fri are on, but no League play. Must wear masks into rink.

Will update when I know more. The schedule will just keep rolling back unfortunately. 

Hope all are safe and healthy. Reach out if you know of anyone in need. I’m hearing of some without food. The Old Newsboys is a great organization to help kids with gifts and essentials. We are all in this together. Tough times. 

Merry Christmas


Lockout Extended- no games 12/20

Rinks closed until Dec. 20th

Michigan rinks remain closed until December 20th.

Regarding Team Fees
The deadline to pay for team fees and receive the $100 refund is rapidly approaching. The mail still works or you can send in ice fees electronically.
As we get back to playing – after the deadline – I will schedule teams that have paid enough to be scheduled. The league fee is $5,000 for 25 games which works out to $200 per game.
We have only played seven games so far which is $1,400. I think all teams are past that mark but teams will be cut from the schedule for non payment after they have used up their balance. Thank you to the few teams who have paid in full. We will get all of the games in – eventually.
Thanksgiving Weekend Update

Thanksgiving Weekend Update

The schedule in Hockey Community has now been updated. More games need to be added into the schedule yet, but will be added when we get closer. We are scheduled through January currently and it looks like we will skate into April to get the 23 regular season and two playoff games in as planned.

There shouldn’t be the normal conflicts with tournaments in April I would suspect.

The deadline for league fees remains at December 16th. Teams paid in full by December 16th will recieve a $100 rebate. Those not paid in full will be evaluated for removal from the schedule.

I realize that you don’t have a convenience of paying when walking into the rink, but the mail still works as well as electronic payments. Make plans to get the ice bill paid up please.

Hope everyone is healthy and ready to get back. 

Best regards,


Lockout Extended- no games 12/20

Games Postponed A Week

The goalie for Scrap Dogs came down with COVID this week. He played in game against Frozen Wings on Sunday 10/25. We got looking and many players sub throughout the league. We are postponing this weeks games in caution. If you played in the Scrap Dogs vs Frozen Wings game, please get tested and report back.

It is understandably frustrating to have to skip hockey this Sunday, but please understand the reason for caution. We have already had a loss close to our hockey family from COVID.