Your ice hockey fun begins here!

old hockey player
Sunday Hockey League

Sunday Hockey League

A hockey league for players by players.

Schedule set for the season

Mobile Stats & Schedules

Prize Money

Great Ice Time

We are still accepting players.  25 and older. B Level skills.

Visit the EHL page.

Eclectic Hockey League

Eclectic Hockey League

Since I wasn’t satisfied with the league at Polar last year, I figured – what the hell! I’ll form my own league!

So until I figure out a better name, it is the Eclectic Hockey League.

Any ideas? Not that you care of course, it is just a name.

A league meeting is being scheduled. I’m inviting teams to join us. The level is Tin/Bronze; 25 and older.

Looking for  a team? Contact me and I’ll hook you up!

More details will follow. In the meantime, keep you stick on the ice and your head up!

Details are here:

Friday Night Hockey

Friday Night Hockey

Summer is winding down. Soon it will be serious hockey season!

Those “part timers” that go golfing and biking and skip the rink during the summer will flood in and hog up some ice time.

So, with that in mind, the Friday Night Hockey is fine tuning the system to organize the skate and make it as fun as possible for everyone.

Look for updates and the season approaches.

Big plans!

Plan is in motion… click here