Your ice hockey fun begins here!

old hockey player
Illegal Player Issue

Illegal Player Issue

Kidd Company player Brian Knack, #9 is under age for our league. I’m told his birthday is in April, but I’m also told that he will be 24 in April.

He is leading the league in points and has been an instigator of the trouble with his chirping.

It is  the responsibility of the team manager to inform the players of the league bylaws and rules and keep them in line. Ray Markey is the Kidd Co manager. He pulled together this team for the season and it was communicated that any exceptions must be approved by the board.

A copy of Brian’s drivers license has not surfaced, so I’m assuming that he is under age. I don’t have proof one way or another yet.

Sorry guys, but let’s wrap this up with a quick motion and vote. Someone propose what we should do about this situation and lets vote on it.




Illegal Player Issue

Valentines Massacre

Dangerous Drama 

Isn’t it ironic that we are at the peak of hockey drama right at Valentines Day!

To recap the situation: On Sunday Feb. 14th during the third period between Kidd Company and B C Complete a scrum occurred in the corner. The reaction of both benches was to pair up and defend their “man.”

You can hear both benches clearly. Lots of trash talking. Back and forth. Not the kind of hockey that I’m even remotely interested in. I wouldn’t skate in that league.

Now I’m from New Jersey. In Jersey we tend to yell. Insults are an endearment. Ignore someone to really piss them off. We had a saying. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

It isn’t the trash talking that bothers me as much as the physical attacks. It is possible to be competitive without going insane. This should be a safe place to play ice hockey. The chippieness and whining  is only going to get worse if we don’t take responsibility. Let’s dial it back and finish this season.

This league is managed by the team captains as a voting board. It has been suggested that we form a discipline board. Please contact me if you would be interested in serving on the board for the future. Due to time constraints we are going to wrap this up and move on.


For discipline we have this recommendation from our head ref, Andy Palovich and a majority of the team managers.

4 Games #9 BC Curtis Christianson plus one year probation. Repeat Misconduct will be expulsion from league.

3 Games each for BC’s  #74 Chris Christian, #24 Jeff Rouse; KC’s #22 Tyler Sutton, #9 Brian Knack


We planned to run through April 4th. Games both April 3rd and 4th to wrap up the Round Robin Tournament. Michelle just texted. April 4th is Easter.

So… We will adjust again. 

Games Saturday March 20th and March 27th and season ends Sunday March 28th.




Dave organizing hockey 1977

I’m committed to this sport.

I’ve been organizing since the Broad Street Bullies came to town. This was taken on January 1st, 1977.

Board Decision on Suspensions Needed

Board Decision on Suspensions Needed

Managers, please review the video and chime in on suspensions.

During the BC vs Kidd Co there was a scrum that turned to more activity in the penalty box that isn’t seen in the video. Feel free to give me a call if you have questions.



Illegal Player Issue

Feb Finance & Schedule Update

Stout Conference schedule is cut to 20 games. Refunds will go to teams by end of season.

Lager Conference schedule is cut to 19 and one team has 18 games due to byweeks.

Teams in serious arrears: Old Fokkers owes $937; Hartwig $1,245

Schedule to be reworked after Sunday if all teams not paid in full.

Regular season games end on March 7th and then a five game round robin for championship.

2021 doan’s Winter Classic

2021 doan’s Winter Classic

We have two skates in already on the rink at Jim Doan’s! Jim has made more upgrades to the barn and we now have even more room to spread out and host a banquet. 

The 2021 Doan’s Winter Classic is scheduled for February 6th. We draft four teams as evenly as possible from those present at 9:30 am. Games begin by 10 am. Single elimination tournament. We typicaly end by 1 pm and relax with some food and drink in the barn.

We will have pop up skates between now and then depending on the weather. If you have an interest in skating, join the email list. 

These events are at your own risk. Don’t worry mom, we have plenty of safety meetings!