Your ice hockey fun begins here!

old hockey player

Published on May 1, 2015

Copyright© Connie Carswell 2015


All rights reserved.

The DETROIT RED WINGS are up next on my request list, requested by, Jenna (@loomgirl52 on Instagram). I am slowly but surely getting the tutorials posted for all 30 teams of the NHL.

DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE NHL TEAM?? (They don’t even have to be in the Stanley Cup Playoffs)!! PLEASE LET ME KNOW AND I’LL MOVE IT TO THE TOP OF MY LIST!!

I WILL ALSO DESIGN AND CREATE ANY HOCKEY PLAYER YOU REQUEST ~ IT COULD BE FROM AN OHL TEAM, DOUBLE “A” TEAM, OR EVEN YOUR OWN CHILD OR GRANDCHILD’S TEAM! All I need is a full-length photo, and I’m good to go. Just drop me a line in the comment section below, or message me on any of my social media sites listed below.

Subscribe to my Youtube channel and comment under this tutorial which character you would like to see next!! Please don’t make your own tutorials on this design or any of my other designs without my consent. Also, please don’t copy, remake, or redistribute this tutorial or any of my other tutorials without my consent. Designed and created by Connie Carswell (Orca Loopy) Copyright© Connie Carswell November 8, 2014. All rights reserved.

For the hockey stick tutorials, click here ~


Instagram: @orcaloopy



Copyright© Connie Carswell 2015. All rights reserved. Life In Balance