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Sault St Marie Tournament News

Five teams from Flint partied in the Soo for the weekend. The hockey was good, but the fellowship was better—big fun for most.
During the Flint Oldtimers’ last game, pictured here with the Gears Beer Hockey jerseys, Paul Martel became extremely dizzy. Paramedic, Mike Galajda, was on hand and took action. Local paramedics delivered Paul to a local hospital for testing and was cleared to head home Monday afternoon. Paul is one of five of our players over 70 years old. 

BTW: Larry Ollearis from All Black Hockey Sticks joined our team and brought his trailer of sticks to the tournament. Look for updates on when we will have Larry bring the trailer to Flint where you can save on shipping and grab a nice twig!

Sault St Marie FOT Tournament

Eclectic Hockey League

Sunday morning hockey has gotten even more competitive. We have a lot of the players from the former Sunday evening A league joining the fun. Find schedules, stats and more at

hockey gears beer ehl

Doan’s Winter Classic

Skating under the lights outside is special. We generally skate Wed & Fri nights if the conditions are right. Get on the list if you want to be in the know. The tournament is scheduled for Saturday, February 8th. Register using the form below. Limited to 24 skaters and four goalies. No visitors or plus one’s allowed in barn due to space. We need to decide if chipping in for food to be ordered or all bring a dish to pass. Always nice to contribute a bit more to help support Jim’s efforts which are much appreciated!

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